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EP28: Preventing frauds in the telecoms industry – part II

In this episode, Mattias Fridström meets again with Katia González, Head of Fraud & Advanced Analytics at BICS, member of GSMA Fraud and Security Group, and Chair of i3 Forum’s Fight Against Fraud workgroup.

Learn about:

  • The estimated loss to fraud of 28 billion € / year
  • Who is losing this money?
  • Using crowd sourcing in fraud prevention
  • Pandemic’s impact on frauds
  • Trends in the overall voice business
  • What is GSMA doing in the fraud prevention space?
  • The future fraud market and telecoms development
Mattias Fridström
Mattias Fridström
There’s a certain kind of person who gets a little bit too excited about networks. Mattias is that guy. If he had a tattoo, it would be of a network. Mattias holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong, Australia. He joined Telia in 1996 and has worked in a number of senior roles at Telia Carrier (now Arelion), most recently as CTO. Since July 2016 he has been Arelion's Chief Evangelist. Mattias’ passion isn’t limited to networks: He has played golf professionally and competed on a high level in both football and floor hockey.
Katia González
Katia González
Head of Fraud & Advanced Analytics, BICS. Chair, i3 Forum Fight Fraud Workstream  

Katia González is a highly regarded fraud specialist with more than 15 years’ experience in the Mobile and Wholesale Telecom industry. Based at BICS headquarters in Brussels, she is an expert in fraud risks for industry verticals including MNO, MVNx, OTT, IoT, Enterprise, CPAAS/UCAAS, Cloud Communications and Wholesale. Specializing in fraud prevention, Katia is a passionate believer that collaboration throughout the industry is the key to implementing best practice and keeping all stakeholders alert to fraud trends and current threats. She leads daily discussions between different industry bodies including BEREC, ECC CEPT, i3Forum, ITW Global Leaders Forum and GSMA, advocating, communicating and agreeing upon common standards.

Katia is also the Chair of the i3 Forum, a non-profit organization which provides guidelines to the wholesale carrier industry on fraud-related matters and supports member organizations with fraud events. She is passionate about gender equality in the workplace, and is a founding member of The Inclusion Hub - one of the first communities designed to advocate for progress on the issues faced by minority groups within the telecoms industry.

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