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Ethernet - a network technology for private connections

Although Ethernet was commercially introduced more than 40 years ago, it is still the most widely adopted connectivity technology. Ethernet has evolved over time with improvements in speed, security, and quality to meet ever-changing network needs. From connecting computers within Local Area Networks to reaching Wide Area Networks, Ethernet continues to grow and is now becoming critical for the delivery of ubiquitous connectivity powered by mobile technology, cloud computing and big data.

Ethernet is used for business-critical network connections to data centers, corporate hubs, public and private clouds, as well as for backbone connectivity. It is especially favored by business verticals such as finance, health care, manufacturing, and other industry verticals where security and reliability are non-negotiable.

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How does Ethernet connect?

As previously mentioned, Ethernet was primarily used for connecting computers and devices within a single location (LAN). However, with new advanced technology and an increasing demand for high-bandwidth and scalable networking solutions, Ethernet has been extended to wide area networks (WANs) through Carrier Ethernet.

Carrier Ethernet networks leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of Ethernet technology while adding carrier-grade features and capabilities. These networks are typically built using fiber optic cables, allowing for high-speed and long-distance data transmission to meet the requirements of service providers and carriers.

Different Ethernet topologies support a variety of customer requirements:

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Provides a simple, point-to-point connection between two locations, with high security, low latency, and flexible bandwidth.


Simply explained, is a point-to-multipoint topology which is beneficial where a larger number of sites connect to a central head office, data center or cloud location.


Based on the Virtual Private Network (VPN) concept, it is ideal for connecting different business sites to support core interaction and communication services. Each location is simply connected to a common Ethernet VPN which facilitates secure any-to-any connectivity between all sites at Layer 2, allowing customers to manage their own IP addressing and BGP sessions.

Ethernet services and technologies

Ethernet services and technologies encompass a range of capabilities and solutions that leverage Ethernet technology for various networking requirements. Here are just a few examples:

Ethernet VPL

Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) service provides high-speed, secure Layer 2 point-to-point connectivity between any two locations. Also supported “hub and spoke” configuration is most applicable for businesses who have a main head office and smaller branch offices.

EVPL is a very cost-effective solution that can be easily adopted and implemented in accordance with well-defined Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) standards.

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Ethernet LAN

E-LAN service provides any-to-any or multipoint-to-multipoint configuration with a full mesh connectivity between a number of sites. E-LANs are used to create Layer 2 VPNs, providing foundation for multicast networking. E-LAN is a highly reliable solution with different classes of services for easy traffic prioritization.

Ethernet VPN

Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) is a technology used to provide both point-to-point and multipoint services. EVPN has been defined to fill the gaps of Layer 2 VPNs, benefiting from Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for more efficient multi-destination traffic delivery.

Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS)

Ethernet-over-MPLS technology is based on a tunneling mechanism for Ethernet traffic through an MPLS (Multi -Protocol Label Switching) network. There are numerous ways of offering Ethernet services – EoMPLS supports multiple topologies and offers inherit protection with ability to dynamically build Label Switched Paths (LSP) between the endpoints, avoiding network failures. The technology is often used and applicable for Internet service providers, enterprises and as data center connectivity.

Key advantages of Ethernet services:

  • High-speed private connectivity with low latency
  • Security and reliability – delivering high availability
  • Efficient management of traffic growth
  • Design flexibility for different topologies
  • A universal technology which is easy to adopt and implement
  • Comprehensive SLAs
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Why Arelion Ethernet?

Our Ethernet solutions support demanding requirements from companies that need full network control and reliable connectivity to data centers, clouds, corporate hubs, or the Internet backbone.

Arelion’s Ethernet solutions leverage our extensive, high-capacity Tier-1 global network and deliver guaranteed bandwidths from 10Mbps up to 40Gbps at lowest latency utilizing Segment Routing and Low Latency Plane design. Customers can take advantage of different topology options in compliance with MEF standards.

Our global network connects more than 350 PoPs in key connectivity hubs worldwide, major Cloud providers, and a network of over 450 certified local access partners.

Additionally, Arelion provides exceptional customer care 24/7. Since 2014 we have been repeatedly recognized at the World Communications Awards for our Customer Experience and we have a high NPS score of 51 (2022).

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Technical highlights
Ethernet Topology Arelion Product MEF-defined services









Ethernet over MPLS
High availability incl. end-to-end visibility with optional Network Interface Device (NID)
10Mbps – 40Gbps
Global reach with managed Network Interface Device (NID) in >120 countries
Multiple Services on One Point (MSOP)
Comprehensive SLAs and Ethernet CoS for traffic prioritization
Security highlights

Solid network security requires full traffic visibility. We offer various monitoring tools to check and maintain traffic performance.

Secure by design
Private connectivity – logically separated from any other traffic
Near real-time & historical bandwidth usage views
Network performance parameters, including latency in our MyArelion portal
NOC situated in a well secured and connected building with multiple power sources
Physical and logical security from design to deployment
Customer Service authentication procedures
Clear customer data handling policies

Frequently asked questions about Ethernet

What are the limitations of Ethernet compared to other networking technologies?

Ethernet, while highly reliable and widely used, can face limitations in scalability and performance compared to newer networking technologies such as Layer 3 VPN or specific fiber optic solutions. It may be less efficient for extensive geographic areas where these alternatives can provide better performance and reliability.

How do Ethernet service costs compare to L3VPN and fiber optics?

Generally, Ethernet services are cost-effective for many businesses. Compared to Layer 3 VPN, Ethernet can often be cheaper, especially for point-to-point and local networks. Although fiber optics can be more expensive due to installation and maintenance, they offer higher bandwidth and speed, which can justify the cost for certain applications.

What future advancements could affect Ethernet usage?

Future advancements such as 5G technology, quantum networking, and improved security protocols will impact Ethernet usage. Additionally, the increased application of artificial intelligence in network management and optimization is likely to enhance the performance and efficiency of Ethernet networks.

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