Home / Knowledge Hub / The Connectivity Podcast / EP26: Pandemic’s impact on cloud, datacenter sustainability, what’s next in cloud

EP26: Pandemic’s impact on cloud, datacenter sustainability, what’s next in cloud

In this episode, Mattias Fridström is meeting with Mike Kavis, Chief Cloud Architect at Deloitte Consulting, author of Accelerating Cloud Adoption & Architecting the Cloud, and host of The On Cloud podcast.

Learn about:

  • The impact of COVID-19 in the cloud space
  • Sustainability in the datacenter market
  • If there’s a need for more clouds
  • Cloud at the edge
  • Mike’s authorship
  • The development of the cloud market and telecoms in general over the next years
Mattias Fridström
Mattias Fridström
There’s a certain kind of person who gets a little bit too excited about networks. Mattias is that guy. If he had a tattoo, it would be of a network. Mattias holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong, Australia. He joined Telia in 1996 and has worked in a number of senior roles at Telia Carrier (now Arelion), most recently as CTO. Since July 2016 he has been Arelion's Chief Evangelist. Mattias’ passion isn’t limited to networks: He has played golf professionally and competed on a high level in both football and floor hockey.
Mike Kavis
Mike Kavis
Chief Cloud Architect, Deloitte Consulting

Mike Kavis is Chief Cloud Architect at Deloitte Consulting. He has served in numerous technical roles such as CTO, Chief Architect, and VP positions with 30+ years of experience in software development and architecture. A pioneer in cloud computing, Kavis led a team that built the world's first high speed transaction network in Amazon's public cloud and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. Kavis is the author of Architecting the Cloud: Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and Accelerating Cloud Adoption: Optimizing the Enterprise for Speed and Agility.



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