Home / Knowledge Hub / The Connectivity Podcast / EP46: The next big thing in quantum computing

EP46: The next big thing in quantum computing

Javad Shabani is Assistant Professor of Physics and Director of the Center of Quantum Information Physics at New York University. He joins the podcast to share his expertise on the quantum development:

  • The next big thing in quantum computing
  • Breakthroughs in quantum communication
  • Sustainability aspects
  • Funding quantum research
  • Quantum computing in mobile networks
Mattias Fridström
Mattias Fridström
There’s a certain kind of person who gets a little bit too excited about networks. Mattias is that guy. If he had a tattoo, it would be of a network. Mattias holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong, Australia. (...)
He joined Telia in 1996 and has worked in a number of senior roles at Telia Carrier (now Arelion), most recently as CTO. Since July 2016 he has been Arelion's Chief Evangelist. Mattias’ passion isn’t limited to networks: He has played golf professionally and competed on a high level in both football and floor hockey.
Javad Shabani
Javad Shabani
Director of the Center of Quantum Information Physics at New York University

Javad Shabani is an assistant professor of Physics and Director of the Center of Quantum Information Physics at New York University. He is an expert in quantum materials and devices for computation technologies. Javad Shabani received his PhD from Princeton University in 2011.


After two years of research on semiconductor-based qubits at Harvard University, he joined UC Santa Barbara. There, he worked closely with Microsoft research on hybrid semiconductors/superconductors heterostructures to study topological superconductivity.

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