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What are toll-free and virtual phone numbers?

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers allow callers to make free calls for different purposes from various locations, these numbers typically start with an 8xx prefix (for example, 800 / 888 / 877) and the costs covered by the recipient. In simple terms, a toll-free number is billed for incoming calls.

Virtual Phone Numbers

Virtual phone numbers, also known as cloud numbers or VoIP numbers, are not tied to any specific device or location, offering exceptional flexibility. Users can be easily reached regardless of their location or the device they are using.

How do toll-free numbers work?

Toll-free calls are recognized by particular prefixes (as mentioned above) and once a call is received by the Carrier responsible for the number, it is routed to the correct onward destination in accordance with a centralized routing plan.

The call charges are paid by the party receiving the call, rather than the originating party.

The main types of toll-free number

There are three main types of toll-free number:

  • Standard Toll-Free Numbers: Domestic numbers which can be dialed free of charge within a specific country.
  • International Toll-Free Numbers (ITFNs): These numbers allow callers from specific countries to reach businesses in another country without incurring international call charges. However, they are only accessible from within the countries they are created for.
  • Universal International Freephone Numbers (UIFNs): UIFNs are designed to be reachable from multiple countries, providing a toll-free calling option for international customers with a common number. Accessibility is however limited to the countries in which they are defined.
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How are toll-free numbers established?

Setting up a toll-free number for a business is a relatively straightforward process:

  • It starts with the selection of a provider that offers toll-free numbers. Arelion, for example.
  • Then the right type of toll-free number is selected: Based on individual needs, this might be a standard toll-free number or an international toll-free number.
  • A prefix is selected (typically in the 8xx range) and the number registered. An account is then set up with the chosen provider and commercial terms are agreed.
  • Add-on features can be included to enhance communication features such as voicemail and call forwarding.

The toll-free number is activated and put into service. Once everything is set up, the new toll-free number can then be shared with customers and used for different business applications.

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What is the difference between toll-free and local numbers?

There are several differences between a local number and a toll-free number. The first is that a local number is connected to a specific location and area code, which is not the case with a toll-free number. The second difference is how they are billed.

Toll-free numbers are free of charge for incoming customer calls, whereas local numbers are free of charge for both incoming and outgoing calls within the same region. The third major difference is number portability, which is a significant advantage for toll-free numbers.

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The costs associated with toll-free numbers

Toll-free numbers are free for callers within the same country or, in the case of UIFN, within the countries defined. However, businesses (those offering the service) typically pay a monthly charge for use of the toll-free number. Apart from UIFN numbers, callers may be unable to access toll-free numbers in another country without incurring additional charges. This can apply to messages sent to a toll-free number - the sender might be required to pay fees.

How does a virtual phone call work?

The main difference between a standard phone number and a virtual number is that a virtual phone call is terminated across the Internet. Although they don't need direct access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), their Service provider will typically break these out to the PSTN for onward delivery where necessary. To use the service, users typically need to install a voice application on their device and associate this with a virtual number.

What are the main business benefits of virtual phone numbers?

Flexibility and availability: Virtual numbers are not tied to any specific device or carrier network and can be used anywhere where Internet access is available.

Cost efficiency: These calls are typically cheaper, especially for international destinations.

Assigning virtual numbers

Obtaining virtual phone numbers is straightforward, with customers able to purchase single or multiple numbers from aggregators either on-line, by email or over the phone.

Adding additional numbers is a similar process, with numbers assigned to a company, individual user or application -enabling them to send and receive calls and messages.

Voice calls and messaging services are delivered to the end customer by either SIP or SMPP interconnects and the Virtual Number Aggregator for voice and messaging services.

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The costs associated with virtual numbers

Virtual phone number providers are typically subject to monthly subscription fees, with additional costs applied for actual usage and other features.

Frequently asked questions about toll-free and virtual phone numbers

What are the advantages of using toll-free numbers for businesses?

Toll-free numbers offer a cost-free way for customers to contact businesses and organizations. Beyond cost-efficiency, they also provide several additional benefits. Customers appreciate the ability to reach out without incurring charges, leading to higher satisfaction levels. Having a toll-free number can enhance the professional image of a business. Additionally, toll-free numbers are easy to use in various marketing campaigns and across different advertising channels, making them versatile tools for outreach.

What are the benefits of using virtual phone numbers?

Virtual phone numbers offer several key benefits. Firstly, they provide significant cost savings as they eliminate the need for hardware investments and long-distance charges, requiring only an internet connection. Additionally, they offer great flexibility since they are not tied to a specific physical location, allowing customers to operate from anywhere. Lastly, virtual phone numbers are highly scalable, making it easy to add more users as an organization grows.

What are the potential drawbacks of using virtual phone numbers?

Using virtual phone numbers can have some drawbacks, such as concerns about internet security, privacy, and reliability, since the service is typically managed via the public internet. However, with Arelion solutions, calls are placed through the Arelion network rather than the public internet, offering a higher level of reliability compared to competitors.

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